Sunday, July 24, 2011

The story of pain and the story of hope

When I was in Cape Town a month ago, we had an assignment to write "The story of pain and the story of hope". We had to first write about the things that we had seen that had just really burdened us. Then after we wrote about the things that troubled us the most, we had to write how we can find joy through the pain. It was a very short assignment that I did rather fast and never thought much about it. Today I was cleaning out my purse and found the Story of Pain/Hope crinkled up in the bottom of my purse. It was refreshing to read and I figured I would post it here.

The Story of Pain
Something that was so painful to see was the innocent children with HIV and AIDS. These innocent, precious faces that are cursed by something they had no control over. Also, it was more than painful to hear about the children at Miriam House and what they went through. They were treated like waste and as if they had no worth. Those at the Miriam House were rescued, but how many other children die because they were never given the chance to live?

The Story of Hope
God knows the numbers of hairs on their head. He is the creator and sustainer of life. Jesus loves the little children, seriously. He calls everyone to be child-like in their faith. He is the ultimate physician and can heal all wounds. He knows how to provide for His own. He is not a naive God, for He knows everything going on. He is omniscient and omnipotent. He is able to do everything and has a plan for everyone. These cursed children have a plan, they have have someone looking over them. He knows their names, their heart, and their story. He is raising up people in the community to start places of hope for them. To provide them with needed medicine and care. As for the babies that are abandoned and die, I choose to believe those are the ones He called home. He redeemed them from the painful world. They were not lost, they were found. They died so now they can live.

We serve such a big God and I often forget it. I take the weight of the world and put it on my shoulders as if I am strong enough to take care of all the burdens. I feel so helpless. Then, Christ slaps me in the face and says, "You don't have to be big enough to solve all the problems because I am big enough. You don't have to be smart enough to solve all the problems in the world, I'm smart enough. You don't have to save the world, I already came to save it. All you have to do is lead those people to Me. ME. I will use you if you just let me". How humbling that a worthy God lets me serve Him when I am not worth it.

"Oh, I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms.
The riches of Your love, will always be enough.
Nothing compares to Your embrace.
Light of the world, forever reign.
You are more, You are more, than my words will ever say.
You are Lord, You are Lord, all creation will proclaim.
You are here, You are here, in Your presence I'm made whole.
You are God, You are God, of all else I'm letting go."